Technology forecasting as easy as a Google Search

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  • Largest dataset on empirical performance
    improvement rates

  • Patent pending search algorithms,

  • Proprietary Machine Learning models,

  • Dynamic and instantly searchable catalogue of
    ~150,000 technologies

20 years of research at MIT

Our research helps predict yearly performance improvement rates for nearly all definable technologies for the first time using the patent system network. Technology decision makers use our insights to better understand and optimize their long range budget, capability development and investment priorities.

Currently, the only way to do it is through pain-staking data collection which takes several months and then requires reasonable technology modeling skills to create models of technology improvement and adoption. Large corporations often hire consultancy companies or fund multi million dollar, multi-year projects at universities to accomplish this same work. As such decisions are delayed & often not trusted.

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Predict the Next Big Thing

Introducing a powerful and evidence-based application that is revolutionizing the way we approach decision-making. Our patent pending engine combines advanced machine learning algorithms with a vast amount of technology data to provide accurate and actionable insights.

Patent Pending Technology

Our search algorithms and machine learning models enable systematic assessment of technology potential.

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Largest Dataset

The enormous collection of performance improvement rates help to perform reliable analyses and make evidence-based decisions.

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Over 150,000 Technologies

A large portfolio of technologies available to browse at your finger tips.

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Want to give it a try?

Our academic search tool is free to use for academic purposes. You can type in any technology related keyword, and get the expected rate of improvement each year for the top 5 matching technologies.

TechNext’s Advanced Search and Crossover tools are centered around TechNext’s annual projected improvement rate metric, K. Potential breakthrough technologies are labeled as either crossovers or tipping points.

Crossovers are technologies that are improving at such a rapid rate that they’re projected to overtake older technologies. Crossovers help organizations identify at what year a newer, rapidly improving technology is expected to overtake an older technology that’s improving at a slower rate. We also identify key actors in a field.

Other tools-

  1. Capability Spider Chart: Analyze national & global competitive/ adversarial landscape

  2. Tech Synaptics Dashboard: Modular, comprehensive & real-time overview of critical capabilities-
    technology, scientific breakthroughs & venture funding

Please get in touch with us regarding access to other advanced tools by booking a demo or contacting us.